Friday, September 10, 2010

oh and....

Cora is in the 4th grade, Ethan is in 1st. Jacob is on track to graduate in May (can you hear the angels singing?) and I'm same old, same old.

Jacob and I were the Sunbeam teachers (the 3 yr olds in church) together until July when I was called to be the Primary Secretary. It's been a rough transition in some regards because I have two little buddies in that class that are finding my absence difficult :( But this last Sunday I finally got one of the little girls to let me leave her in Sharing Time without having to sit on my lap or make the rounds giving the older kids their 5 minute warning to wrap up their lessons. That was a HUGE HUGE accomplishment.

I've had several disappointments at work, and am really not enjoying myself anymore. But I am grateful to have work and I'm grateful to have the benefits we do. So, I just need to suck it up for a while longer.... like 3-4 more years :(

Ummmmm....... can't think of anything else right now, so we'll leave it at that. :)


Just so 2010 isn't lonely

I'm so technologically in need! It took me a while to figure out how to post. :)

I know we have all been a bit lousy at posting things on this, maybe because we've decided that now that Dad is gone now and he was the reason we started up with this in the first place? Maybe because, with the exception of Britany, we're all a little technologically "special needs"? At any rate, I've decided that poor 2010 needed an entry since it's starting to come to a close... or at least it's on the downward slope?

We are starting to enjoy cooler weather in the 80's and chilly at night. Last year we had our first snow in mid-October, so we'll see if that holds true this year too.

This has been such a lousy year for several different reasons, and so I'm trying to think of the good things so I stop focusing on the bad:

*Went on our first camping trip as a family this summer with the ward. We ate all the classic disgusting campfire foods and as a reward, Ethan puked on our borrowed sleeping bags! I no longer have the body of a youngster, and discovered that if you camp, you REALLY ought to take an AIR MATTRESS... I know this because I pretty much didn't sleep at all for lack of one! I'm now noticing that my retelling of this "good" memory sounds a lot more negative than not! :( It really was a great over-nighter, REALLY loved talking around the campfire and getting to know people better since my contact with our ward family seems so limited with my work schedule and being in Primary. Anyway

*Aunt Lorelyn and Uncle Ned visited for about a week around Memorial Day and helped us a LOT with our front yard and getting our garden planted. Not to mention a few projects around the house :) It was so wonderful to have family visit! Our front yard is the best looking one in the neighborhood! Our backyard, however, looks like white trash :) I will have to convince them to visit again, lol.

*Aunt Marty is planning on visiting here soon, I think the first week of October? Shoot, I'll have to give her a call to double check that, but she's going to be attending a church seminar here in Greeley of all places!

*I got to visit everyone in CA! Wish it had been under better circumstances, but I'm soooooo grateful for the visit.

I know there are more good things but it apparently takes practice to focus on them!

The Youngclaus Chronicles: Drew's 2nd Birthday Party

The Youngclaus Chronicles:

I can't remember how to post on this, so this is a tester before I spend an hour to post something else!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Drew's 2nd Birthday Party

I have a few pictres from little Drew's 2nd birthday party last month. Sadly I dont have one of Drew!! But we all had a lot of fun at the playground that day!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dad and Uncle Charlie in Yosemite

Uncle Charlie took Dad to Yosemite on Tues. 8/18.
Although the water was nearly non-existant they enjoyed the weather
and the opportunity to spend a thoughtful moment with
Grandpa and Grandma Bryan.
Dad enjoyed the time with his brother and handled the day well.
They started out at 8 am and returned at 5 pm!
That's one big day! And I'm sure Dad was ready for a nap upon arriving home!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Their all Youngclaus boys (at heart!)

Our weekend with lots and lots of boys!